

Ways to control GI Parasitism through Pastures and Grazing systems

Friends we looked at some important GI parasites that affect grazing animals, the natural factors that help their spread, and their impacts on nutritional physiology and ruminant production. Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism in ruminants is related to pasture quality and grazing management. Let’s consider the ways to control GI parasitism through the proper management of pastures …

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Impact of GI Parasites on Ruminants

This article we look at some important GI parasites that affect grazing animals, the natural factors that help their spread, and their impacts on nutritional physiology and ruminant production. Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism is a disease caused by different genera of parasites that inhabit the digestive tract of cattle and sheep, causing in appetence, anaemia, diarrhoea, poor …

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Impact of “Livestock Parasites” on Productivity

Hello Friends! Today I will throw some light on the parasitic relationship. Parasitic relationship is when one member of the pairing benefits while the other is harmed. Parasites have different goals when invading a host. Some simply use the host’s resources with no intention of killing them as they need the host to survive. Others …

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